Monday, August 12, 2013

The rush of doing nothing!

Relaxing on the shore, you are in awe of the serenity that is displayed like an artist painting.   The air is thick and the sun wraps your body like a comfy blanket.  The silence screams all around you.  Floating in the water , small wakes wash over each limb, bathing the entire body in peaceful calm.  There is a slight chill that escapes from the ice cold bottle of beer that I hold in my right hand.   Nothing beats the rush of doing nothing!  
My suit matches my toe nail paint

Lounging in my orange swimsuit on a raft on the water


  1. Beautiful!!! May I hire you to write my posts? I love your writing style. Mine come across as dry as my personality!

    1. You are too hard on yourself! I love your post! Remember you are my inspiration!
