There are moments in my life that seem to break up the monotony of everyday life. Boating is that for me. Not just boating but that moment when the day is ending and you are coming back to the docks.
We went boating and I was able to capture some incredible "first time wakeboarding" pictures of my kids and some of there friends. The day was cold and damp but the air was heavy and warm. It was as if nature was fighting with itself and kept turning up the heat and turning it down. When the sun peeked out from behind the dark clouds, it was comfortable. The water was especially warm on this chilly day, registering warmer than the air temperature.
As the day ended, we let the kids take one more run, with my youngest deciding to try wakeboarding for the first time. He got in the water, listened for instruction and nearly was able to get up on the board. Unfortunately, fatigue sets in before you are ready to quit so he came back aboard.
The moment came and we started for the docks. The sun is setting slowly in the distance and the air is warm as it brushes the stray hairs over your face. The glow of a tanned leg glistens from the water jumping out of the water and landing on your skin. Moving at 30 mph seems like slow motion and all you hear is the gentle hum of the boat engine. Everyone is quiet as they must be experincing the same hypnotic moment. After a while you see the "no wake zone" and the engine slowly but suddenly dies like the power shutting off at the main switch in a movie scene. The water calms and the boat glides the rest of the way. Suddenly, the volume is turned up and so is the energy. Let's get this boat out of the water!
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