Monday, June 17, 2013

Safe Haven

CYSSA Trap Shooting

One of the safest sports in America, trap shooting gets the kids out in the sunshine in some of the most beautiful places.  The air is clean, the grass in green and they get to shoot stuff!  My kid is the one on the far right.

Tomorrows leaders

I sit in a pew mesmerized by the beauty of the glass art before me.  I thank God, for giving my children the opportunity to attend leadership camp every year.  Hosted by the Diocese, hundreds of students are gathered together to develop and foster the skills needed to become the effective leaders of tomorrow.  They grow in faith, love and leadership.  My children look forward to returning every year and reaquainting with old friends, making new ones and creating found memories that will last a lifetime.

Sunday, June 16, 2013

Silver Leaf Designs


Thanks Carolyn for my "bee pin" your bug designs are absolutely divine!
I love my bee.  Of course, the only way to show off your bug is by wearing it landed on your shoulder.  Left for the taken gals!  Thanks again!
If you like my bee see Carolyn's jewelry and floral designs by Silver Leaf Designs.  Contact Carolyn at